Born in Los Angeles, California, Web (Rebecca) Richards creates avant-garde, sustainable fashion under the moniker The Web Has No Weaver, spinning the “trash” of our current culture of disconnection & greed into glamorous treasures for a more connected, sacred, loving future.
Their work critiques the paradoxical nature of fashion—a potent means of expression intertwined with the pitfalls of a destructive industry. They transform discarded textiles of mass production into extravagant, ceremonial assemblages, stitching garments externally to deliberately expose the construction process, resulting in a raw, emotive aesthetic that defies the homogeneity of mainstream fashion.
Web infuses their work with vibrant colors, voluminous shapes, and ornate maximalism to reclaim physical and visual space for queer bodies, rebelling against categories of expression by subverting traditional gender norms and embracing the fluidity of identity.
Spiders and the webs they weave are an enduring inspiration to the artist, serving as a symbol of divine femininity, unapologetic creativity, universe-building, and the restorative & transformational possibilities of art.